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  • Lynn Walsh

Are you working the room?

We’ve all been there; at a networking event or an industry association meeting with good intentions to meet new people that can either directly or indirectly benefit your business. Networking can be fulfilling and provide many business opportunities. Read on for a few ideas to make networking more fun and profitable for you.

Listen more than you talk. We’ve all been with someone who monopolizes the conversation. You don’t have to be that person.

Pretend that you are the host. Reach out to others that may be standing alone and introduce people to each other.

Describe what you do precisely in 30 seconds or less. The “Elevator Speech” will always have merit. Challenge yourself and change it up from time to time. Try to make it memorable.

Know how to politely end conversations. Politely excuse yourself and let the person know that you enjoyed meeting them and that you enjoyed their conversation before moving on.

Come prepared, bring business cards and exchange them when appropriate. Not everyone you meet will be a good resource but if you sincerely want to keep in touch with someone ask for their card and be sure to stay in touch.

Bring all facets of yourself to the event; not just your business. Everyone’s personal side brings diverse backgrounds and interests

Offer to provide a referral whenever the opportunity presents itself. Your listening skills will realize when the need arises.

Make networking a way of life and reap the rewards both professionally and personally!

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